Monday, April 27, 2009
Hi, May I Please Have

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Aww, Yeah, Skinny B*tchezzz

Friday, April 24, 2009
Top 5 Ways to Look Hot

Monday, April 20, 2009
Week 1: Challenges & Successes (travel to San Francisco)

Travel. Round trip from Denver to San Francisco and back again this weekend
(In-flight offerings: M&Ms, trail mix, chocolate covered nuts, cereal and tortilla chips with salsa). Like seriously, best you can do is eat before or after.
Geeking out means doing geeky things - like being on a computer and consuming large quantities of beer. Meals were great - veg options available. The snacks/beer time was a little tough in terms of temptation but I did a good job limiting beer consumption. Kept it to about 3/4 cup each night.
Allergies. Make it tough to breathe well when jumproping.
Leg lifts. By the last set I really feel them.
Salt. WHERE does it all come from? And why is it in everything? Even nuts, this food you'd expect to be healthy and good for you, is negated somehow by the obnoxious levels of salt in it. I knew this already but now feel more compelled to than ever before to carry my own unsalted nuts with me when I'm traveling.
Food intake. Wasn't really that tough to cut it because I don't normally eat until I'm full anyway.
Bacon. Good news, I don't have a lot of crappy fats like bacon to cut out of my diet. When polled, the room was asked about the things they love the most. Bacon and beer came up a lot. I'm down with beer but don't eat meat, so thankfully you won't see me in the bacon aisle looking like a hungry zombie.
Sleeping. I seem to sleep better when my days are completely full and I've worked out.
Laptop yoga. Both mornings I led a session of yoga for the attendees. It was great to move our bodies and one guy remarked it made his day and set the tone for the rest of the day. Which made it seem more important/compelling that I continue to do what I do - reaching out more to those that may not be exposed to it, but who really need to move their bodies.